Chair yoga is a style of yoga that can be performed sitting down

... or at least most of it is.

The practice typically involves yoga moves focusing on the pelvic muscles and the back, with the body in a stable seated position. The style generally is less about flexibility and more about working core muscles, getting balance and improving overall body awareness.

woman doing yoga cross legged

The results can be dramatic, as many women in the United States are finding out. A few years earlier there was a boom in sales among my male and female patients interested in the more traditional practices of yoga. I was surprised to find that women were looking for more of an alternative than stretching postures in the open space of a yoga class. I was inspired by an article that came out in a yoga journal and the title of the article stuck with me. While sitting down might make some aspects of yoga less challenging, it does require you to activate your core muscles — things we tend to neglect.

It was pretty popular because a lot of women — particularly moms — want to be healthier and more active, but they are at their desk all day working. It became very important to me to promote this style of yoga to women who work. This seated practice has more of a practical emphasis than some other styles of yoga, like traditional, or “classical.” In this article, we’ll explore the practice and its benefits – including how it can help improve your posture, strength, flexibility and core strength.


How to do a positive chair yoga practice? The idea is not radically different than the postures of a traditional yoga practice. The posture that you choose will likely look a little different because you want to focus on your core, rather than focusing on your arms or your legs. You’ll be sitting or “chairing” in your own comfort zone, rather than having someone instruct you. You’ll be doing your own form of asanas and breathing exercises, like those that are a part of a traditional yoga practice.
